Explore the Possibilities
igot2 siubhal
Travel to Inspire
Experience a different type of travel
At igot2travel, we understand the transformative power of travel. That's why we strive to create meaningful and enlightening experiences that immerse you in new cultures and connect you with locals. Through our custom itineraries, you can expect to explore famous historical landmarks and dive deep into the local environment, discovering hidden gems and unique perspectives. Cultural immersion travel is one of the most authentic ways to embark on a soulful journey. It allows you to learn about different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles and to connect with people from all walks of life.
When you immerse yourself in a new culture, you open yourself up to a new world of experiences and gain a greater understanding of the world around you. Wellness travel is another aspect of soulful journeys. It encourages you to care for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being while exploring new destinations and cultures. Our journeys are about finding balance and harmony and discovering new ways to improve your overall well-being and natural experiences.
Join us on a soulful journey and discover what the world offers!
We are a small tour operator based in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, specialising in providing unique, tailored cultural and nature-based adventures in remote places. With extensive knowledge gained from living in remote islands, we have created and delivered high-quality immersive experiences that take you closer to nature and connect you with local culture and communities through our small group travel adventures.
Join our Adventures
Discover a different way to travel and experience the great outdoors.
Tailored Tours
As a small business we are able to tailor and create unique experiences for travellers that fit with their schedule and type of adventure they require
Small Groups
We take pride in creating amazing adventures tailored to authentic travel. If you want to travel in large groups or with 16 or more Travellers, then we are not the company for you. We truly mean small groups and by that we mean that all our tours are run with up to six people, and, in particular circumstances, we can stretch to eight people to cater for larger private family groups.
Unique Locations
As a business we take great pride in taking you to places few travel and away from the hustle and bustle of cities and overcrowded destinations. We carefully select each destination and develop a program of activities and experiences that will enable you as the traveller to immerse yourself in the culture and environment with like minded travellers.
Environmentally concious
In an ever changing world our connection with the planet and travel needs to be measured and sustainable and at igot2travel we strive to ensure all of our adventures have as limited an impact on the environment as possible. In our small groups we are able to get closer to nature without disturbing it and providing you with a truly unique experience.
Support local Communities
ourney with igot2travel goes beyond just being mindful of the environment. It also involves supporting local communities and their economies. By doing so, travellers can help preserve unique cultures and traditions while positively impacting the local economy. There are many ways to support local communities while travelling. One of the simplest ways we achieve this is to eat at locally-owned restaurants and purchase products from local markets. This helps the local economy and allows travellers to try new and authentic dishes. As a business, we strive to ensure we eat where possible in family-run establishments and support local eateries, and through this, we can introduce you to fine local produce.
Transformative Travel
Join one of our small group tours at igot2travel and discover why we wholeheartedly believe in responsible travel's transformative power. Our mission is to provide you with an unforgettable and authentic travel experience that will positively impact the world. We offer various tours and experiences customized to your interests and designed to give you a deeper understanding of the places you visit. Whether you want to immerse yourself in local culture, connect with local communities, or experience the natural beauty of a destination, we have something for you. Join us on a journey of discovery and make a difference in the world with igot2travel.
2024 - 25 ADVENTURES
Day Trips through Uist
As Featured with Arieh Smith, better known as Xiaomanyc or simply Xiaoma
Experience the stunning beauty of the Uist islands and immerse yourself in the rich culture of the Gaelic-speaking people. Take in the breathtaking scenery, meet the friendly locals, savor a wee dram of whisky, and even learn a few Gaelic phrases to impress your friends back home. Don't miss the chance to explore these enchanting islands and create unforgettable memories.
Travel awakens the soul, and our adventures lead you to places you may never have considered. Each place is unique, and every experience is carefully selected to bring you the best travel experiences while travelling with like-minded travellers in a small group.
Our travel experiences enable you to reconnect with nature and your inner soul and enable you to become a global citizen.
Welcome to
Carson Siubhail leinn
'S e Gnìomhaiche Turais Beaga a th' annainn stèidhichte ann an Innse Gall na h-Alba, a' speisealachadh ann a bhith a' toirt seachad tachartasan sònraichte cultarail agus nà dair gu à iteachan iomallach._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58d eileanan iomallach, tha sinn air eòlasan bogaidh à rd-inbhe a chruthachadh agus a lìbhrigeadh a bheir thu nas fhaisge air nà dar agus a tha gad cheangal ri cultar agus coimhearsnachdan ionadail tro ar tachartasan siubhail ann am buidhnean beaga.
Buidhnean Beaga
Nuair a bhios sinn a 'bruidhinn mu dheidhinn siubhal ann am buidhnean beaga tha sinn a' ciallachadh sin. Tha comas aig na cuairtean againn sia luchd-siubhail aig aon à m agus tha sinn den bheachd gu bheil seo a’ toirt cothrom dhuinn tachartasan fìor a thoirt dhut là n de amannan iongantach a-mhà in comasach le buidhnean beaga.
Mothachail air an à rainneachd
Tha sinn moiteil às ar n-eòlas air fiadh-bheatha agus an à rainneachd, agus leis a h-uile turas againn a-steach gu nà dar, bidh sinn a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun toir sinn air falbh cuimhneachain agus nach fà g sinn ach lorgan-coise. Bho na botail uisge Eco againn gu na siabann à rainneachd sònraichte againn agus pacadh bith-mhillidh, bidh thu a’ siubhal le companaidh aig a bheil cridhe dha-rìribh ann an nà dar.
Tha sinn den bheachd gu bheil siubhal mu dheidhinn ceanglaichean an dà chuid ann an nà dar agus tro choimhearsnachdan ionadail agus tha sinn a’ toirt taic là idir do ghnìomhachasan dùthchail agus an seasmhachd leantainneach. Thig còmhla ris na tachartasan siubhail againn agus bi mar phà irt de rudeigin sònraichte agus coinnich ri cuid de dhaoine iongantach air an t-slighe a tha sinn moiteil a bhith a’ gairm ar caraidean agus ar com-pà irtichean gnìomhachais.
Bidh sinn ga chumail Ionadail
Nuair a bhios tu a’ siubhal còmhla rinn tha sinn an urras gun cùm sinn e ionadail agus gun toir sinn thugad na iùil ionadail agus na ceanglaichean as fheà rr anns gach à ite. bidh sinn ag obair gu dlùth le gnìomhachasan ionadail agus tron dòigh-obrach seo, is urrainn dhuinn eòlasan sònraichte a thabhann dhut a tha gun samhail agus buannachdail. Chan urrainn dad coimeas a dhèanamh ri eòlas neach-iùil ionadail no eileanach agus tha an comas sin air saoghal falaichte fhosgladh dhut air do shiubhal gun luach.
Incredible Tailored Adventures
What Sets Us Apart
Travel is one of the greatest gifts we can reward ourselves and our loved ones for it takes us beyond our self-imposed comfort zones and encourages us to explore and experience different cultures and other worlds. Through travel, we learn to adapt, engage with different people, participate and embrace new encounters and cultures. At igot2travel our adventures are carefully created to showcase the beautiful environment, wildlife and people of each destination we venture. Through our small group travel, you are assured of something special and totally unique. We look forward to seeing you soon on one of our wonderful adventures.
2024- 2025 JOURNEYS
IGOT2TRAVEL LIMITED is a company that is incorporated and registered in Scotland with the company number 667202. Its registered office is at 1 Struan, Sollas, Isle of North Uist, Scotland, HS6 5DA.
The content of this website is the property of [igot2travel] and is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved, and any redistribution or reproduction of the content, in whole or in part, is prohibited. It is also not permitted to transmit or store the content on any other website or electronic retrieval system.