Na h-Eileanan Siar
7 latha Innse Gall | 8 bracaist | 7 Dinnear | Turais Treòraichte | Stiùireadh Dràibhear | Siubhal Eadar-eilean | Togail is leig às port-adhair | Gnìomhan
£3570 pp
5 gu 12mh
Na h-Eileanan Siar
7 latha Innse Gall | 8 bracaist | 7 Dinnear | Turais Treòraichte | Stiùireadh Dràibhear | Siubhal Eadar-eilean | Togail is leig às port-adhair | Gnìomhan
£3570 pp
23 gu 30
Na h-Eileanan Siar
7 latha Innse Gall | 8 bracaist | 7 Dinnear | Turais Treòraichte | Stiùireadh Dràibhear | Siubhal Eadar-eilean | Togail is leig às port-adhair | Gnìomhan
£3570 pp
23 gu 30
Why Join Us

Locally Run Business
Igot2travel is a locally based business that operates in the Outer Hebrides and we live here all year making us truly local.
Gaelic Speaking
As native Gaelic speakers we are able to introduce you to island life and an insight into life on the islands through the years.
Local Produce
Through our tours you will get a chance to sample local produce and sample the quality of our local produce.
Tailored to your needs
As local guides we are able to tailor any of our adventures to suit your requirements from walking to wildlife watching and including archaeology and offshore island excursions
Stay a little longer
We understand the value of staying a bit longer at each destination and have now introduced two three night stays on our seven day trips to allow you more down time and to be able to enjoy the tranquil settings of the places we stay without having to pack up and go every day.
Flexible Dates
If you cannot find a date to suit or within the window of when you can travel then drop us an email and we will see what we can do for you and your travel companions.
Faigh a-mach beairteas eachdraidh ann an 13 Eileanan

Prìomh thachartasan turais
Bheir an dàn-thuras Innse Gall seo thu tro na h-Eileanan Siar agus 's e turas a th' ann dhaibhsan a tha dèidheil air eileanan, nàdar agus an àrainneachd. cultar ionadail, cànan agus àrainneachd.
Bhon mhionaid a ruigeas tu, bidh thu sa bhad air do tharraing gu na speuran mòra air feadh nan eilean eireachdail sin. Le 18 uairean de sholas an latha as t-samhradh, is e na h-eileanan sin an t-àite airson sunsets iongantach fhaicinn fhad ‘s a bhios an cuan a’ tionndadh òr leaghte.
Ma tha thu ag iarraidh turas le seallaidhean gun chrìoch, seann eachdraidh, fiadh-bheatha agus cultar ionadail còmhla ri treòraiche ionadail, dh’ fhaodadh an turas seo gu Innse Gall a bhith na fhìor bhriseadh dhut fhèin agus do theaghlach.
13 Eileanan
Na h-Eileanan an Iar
Eileanan air an cruthachadh ann an nàdar agus a’ ceangal cabhsairean agus aiseagan eadar-eileanan

Tìr le speuran mòra, cuantan turquoise agus na tràighean as iongantaiche ann an Alba air fad.
Fiadh-bheatha gu leòr
Na h-Eileanan an Iar
Far a bheil nàdar an urra ris an

Tha na h-eileanan sin beò le fuaim agus èigheachd fiadh-bheatha as t-samhradh. Tha còrr air millean eun-mara anns na h-eileanan a-muigh, agus tha grunnan grunnan-mara, dòbhrain, iolairean agus ròin anns na h-eileanan a-staigh. Fìor chothrom faighinn faisg air nàdar.
Seann Eachdraidh
Innse Gall
Far a bheil an àm a dh'fhalbh an làthair air feadh nan eilean gu lèir

Thairis air 8000 bliadhna de shealbhachadh, tha mòran làraich arc-eòlais agus seann bhailtean air na h-eileanan againn. Bidh cearcallan cloiche nas sine na Stonehenge, tuineachaidhean bho Linn an Iarainn àrd air slèibhtean agus Dùn is Dùin ann an lochan air feadh Innse Gall a’ toirt thugaibh ar seann eachdraidh.
Toradh Ùr
Innse Gall
Ùr bhon mhuir agus air a thogail bhon tìr

Le biadh mara ùr bho na h-uisgeachan pristine againn, bradan deataichte blasta, creachain air an dàibheadh le làimh agus soithichean traidiseanta ionadail tha na gucagan blas agad a-staigh airson fìor bhiadh.
Arrive on the beautiful island of Barra and have the thrilling experience of landing on the beach and stepping out onto a powder sand beach. Your guide will meet you and take you to your local accommodation for one night's accommodation before heading out for a guided tour of Barra. Back to your lodgings to get ready for dinner and a welcome drink to toast your arrival in the Hebrides.
1 nights accommodation, 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner
Morning sees us picked up and headed into the beautiful Barra landscape to learn about its fascinating history, flora and fauna before stopping off at one of the islands most beautiful beaches. A light lunch and then make our way to the ferry and over the sound of Barra to the Island of Eriskay as we then begin our journey through South Uist to our accommodation.
3 nights accommodation, 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners
Breakfast done, we set out on our discovery of North Uist and visit ancient burial chambers, standing stones and souterrain before heading westward to meet the Highland cows. We then head for a local lunch and some fabulous local produce before heading out to one of the coastal nature reserves and a coastal walk to take in the glorious white powder beaches of the Uists. Further on, we stop at one of the most stunning beaches on North Uist for a wee dram and snack before trying to spot otters and wildlife.
Lunch, Dinner
Another day and we head out to explore some of the ancient archaeological sites, and a Nature reserve and discover the ancient ways of the people who lived here more than 5000 years ago. We lunch in a small local cafe before heading out on a boat trip (weather permitting) looking for wildlife, seals and stunning scenery with a local guide. Mid-afternoon we return back to your accommodation and have a chance to relax before a fine dinner.
Lunch, Dinner
Today we take another ferry over the sea to the stunning island of Harris where we explore narrow roads that lead us through a moonscape landscape. We visit small craft shops and art galleries before heading back out onto the West Coast and a spot of lunch before hitting the glorious beaches and Machair. We drop in on a local Harris Tweed weaver before making our way over to the Isle of Lewis and our next three nights' accommodation
3 night accommodation |Lunch|Dinner
Today we explore the stunning scenery of the west coast and take a short boat trip out into the Atlantic and get close to wildlife, sea stacks and glorious beaches before we head off to the famous Callanish Standing Stones and a spot of lunch. After lunch, we continue on and visit a traditional tweed mill to learn about this amazing product and how it is produced before visiting a heritage thatched village and seeing how people lived right up to the late 1960s.
Lunch|Dinner| Activities
We set out to the Butt of Lewis for a walk along the rugged coastline and marvel at the scenery and the final most northerly point in the Hebrides, we visit ancient churches before visiting an award-winning historical centre. We then make our way to the capital of the Isle of Lewis, Stornaway for a brief walk around the town and a visit to Museum Nan Eilean and a walk around the famous Castle Grounds Then back to our accommodation and a final farewell dinner and celebratory toast to the Hebrides
Lunch | Dinner| Activities
We set out to the Butt of Lewis for a walk along the rugged coastline and marvel at the scenery and the final most northerly point in the Hebrides, we visit ancient churches before visiting an award-winning historical centre. We then make our way to the capital of the Isle of Lewis, Stornaway for a brief walk around the town and a visit to Museum Nan Eilean and a walk around the famous Castle Grounds Then back to our accommodation and a final farewell dinner and celebratory toast to the Hebrides
Lunch | Dinner| Activities

Faigh a-mach Alba eile
An Turas

Summer Hebrides
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